Thursday, August 9, 2012

As Search Continues, Gratitude

Posted at the request of Val's Aunt Dorothy Larson:

Below is a post and list of all that we have names for who searched, helped with equipment and supplies as well as provided hot meals, snacks, water and just their continual prayers, kindness and support in the search effort.  There were many offers to help in any way. Many were there in spirit which was very comforting, welcomed and needed. 

If names were omitted, it was not intentional.  Some people were there and we may not have known them, we apologize for any oversights.  For those who were there and we missed their names, please post or let me know so we can add them to the growing list.   THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! 

Victor, Jane, Jim, Trina, VG and Casey,  Brian and Nadia, and Ashley and Eliot Freeburg are very grateful as are all of Val's family and many friends.  Quyana Caqneq.

Here is a partial list of those we know were there and others who have provided names:

Richard Charles, Joanne Charles, Tiffany and Amber Webb, Rosemary deHusson, Gladys Charles, Wanda Pickett and the Brandon family, Bill Cook, Robert Nicholson, Mark Nicholson, Ryan Nicholson, Jack Smart, Kris Belleque-Spradlin and Erin, Jeweline and Bristol Lakshas and friend, Luanne Pelagio, Jeran Pelagio Williams, Juanita Pelagio, Mary Washington and family, Gloria Chythlook and Chase, Callan Chythlook-Sifsof, David Heyano, Raymond Heyano, Greta Pridham and Agnes Samuelsen, Crystal Sifsof, Kim and Sassa Williams, Wally Charles, Shelbi Luckhurst, Meg and Hugh Schroeder, Helen and Mickey Foster, Danesa and Hans Nicholson, Esther Togiak, Anecia Chiklak, Bonnie Gregory and family, Jackie Wilson, Helena and Bill Batman, Gail Pass, Kjersti Langness, Dennis and Michelle Nelson, Paul and Sharon Bullock, Kurt Jensen, Anecia and John Breiby, Carmen Tuck, Liz Conrad, Carl and Marilyn Larson, Bristol Bay Native Corporation and staff members - Fran Demoski, Joanne Luciano, Jason Metrokin, Collin and Gwen Larson, Jeweline Hoseth, Pat Kvasnikof, Sally Smith, Audrey Rearden, Florence Kenney, Jo Knapp,Jon Larson and family, Monina Willis and girls, Karen and Michael Dinkle, Linda Wahl, Robert and Edmund Luciano, Alu Afolabi and friend, DeeDee Palin and friend, Edgar and Katherine Smith, Sassa Peterson, Carrie Paton, Freeman and Emily Roberts, Tammy Larson Benedictor, Anecia and Kathleen O'Carroll, Betty McIntosh, Galen Huntsman, Lance Reichter, Ernie Sifsof, Gary and Bobbi Buccholz, Amy Katz and Tony the miner,  and those we did not have names for.  

Thanks to Doug Field of Kenai Neon Signs for the beautiful sign he made and donated with Monina Willis' help.  Thanks to Surveyor Satellite for the discount on the satellite phones, Denise Statz, John Smith, Meg and Hugh Schroeder, Helen and Mickey Foster, St. Seraphim Orthodox Sisterhood, St. Francis Catholic Church in Valdez,  St. Innocent Cathedral in Anchorage and others who prayed for the family and friends, Three Bears in Wasilla, Marie Paul, Cindy Roque, Della and Richard Clark, Horizon Construction, Choggiung Limited, Julia Williams and some anonmyous donors.   

Thanks to Victims of Justice and Susan Sullivan.  

We also want to thank all those at the Alaska State Troopers, including Sergent Micheal Zeifel, Lieutenant Kat Petterson, and Captain Andy Greenstreet. 

Special thanks to former Anchorage Police Chief Walter Monegan, State Representative Bryce Edgmon, and Choggiung Board of Directors. 

Thanks to the Park Service, the rafters, the dogs and their handlers, the helicopter pilot, and those behind the scenes. 

We will continue to update this!" 

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